
CANALLS Showcased at Agro-ecology Day Conference in South Kivu

CANALLS Showcased at Agro-ecology Day Conference in South Kivu

CANALLS was prominently featured at the conference "Agro-ecology Day," held on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, in South Kivu. The event, hosted by IITA and the ETH as part of the "Deliberate" project in collaboration with UCB, aimed to foster knowledge sharing and exchange on agro-ecology.

The conference provided a platform to discuss and gain insights into agro-ecological practices in South Kivu province. Organized in the form of an "Agro-ecology Day," the event had three primary objectives:

  1. Promoting Agro-ecological Research: Facilitating discussions on agro-ecological research as a science.
  2. Disseminating Research Results: Sharing the outcomes of research efforts with key stakeholders, including research and education institutions.
  3. Enhancing Collaboration: Strengthening collaboration among various research institutions.

Within the scope of CANALLS, specific agroecological practices identified during co-creation workshops were presented. Additionally, an evaluation of the combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizers, along with biopesticides for rice production in Uvira, was showcased.

The event served as a crucial platform for advancing agro-ecological knowledge and practices in South Kivu, fostering collaboration, and promoting sustainable agriculture for the region's prosperity.

Find out our posters here: Poster 1, Poster 2



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Agroecology Living Labs (ALLs)

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