Located in Burundi, the Giheta Living Lab is characterized by distinct dry and rainy seasons, with average annual rainfall exceeding 1,100 mm and temperatures averaging 20°C. Coffee is the primary crop cultivated here, with bananas serving as a secondary crop.
In October 2024, CIRAD and ETHz representatives visited two Agroecology Living Labs in Burundi—Bujumbura and Giheta. These visits aimed to assess the ongoing CANALLS trials and gather insights to improve collaboration among partners.
The October 2024 workshop in Ntui assessed the progress of CANALLS trials, gathered feedback from farmers, and discussed agroecology principles and project goals.
The CANALLS project is excited to announce that our comprehensive datasets are now available on Zenodo, a trusted repository for research data. These datasets are essential for understanding and enhancing agroecological practices in Agricultural Learning Landscapes (ALLs) and rural communities.
Agriculture, a cornerstone of global food security, is highly dependent on natural resources, particularly soil, and is vulnerable to changing climate conditions.
In our recent 2nd round of co-creation workshops, stakeholders engaged in an in-depth exploration of agroecological practices to address the primary challenges faced in our Agricultural Living Labs (ALLs).