Public deliverables
Work packages
Public deliverables will be online as soon as they are available.

D1.1 Agroecological contexts and needs of rural communities (M9)
A report presenting the results of desk study and interview survey to analyze the needs, contexts and practices of focal rural communities under Task 1.1 as well as mapping of food systems, value chains and markets for agroecological products under Task 1.2
D1.2 Systemic factors and innovation support for agroecology (M12)
A report presenting the results of systematic review and interview survey on policies, systemic factors, trade-offs and synergies for agroecological transitions under Task 1.4, as well as the results of the analysis and evaluation of innovation support services under the framework of AKIS under Task 1.5
D2.1 Methodology for co-creating optimal agroecological practice combinations - initial version (M12)
A report describing the initial version of the CANALLS methodology for co-creating optimal combinations of agroecological practices that will be developed under Task 2.1 activities.
D2.2 Holistic agroecology assessment framework - initial version (M12)
A report presenting the initial version of the CANALLS holistic agroecology assessment framework that will be developed under Task 2.2 activities, including indicators and validation activities.
D2.3 CANALLS Decision Support Tools - initial version (M24)
The first version of a series of Decision Support Tools (DSTs) for advisors, based on CANALLS co-creation methodology and agroecology assessment framework, to guide them for supporting tailored agroecological transitions. The first version of the DSTs will be available in print and digital format, in French and English.
D2.4 Services for enhancing demand for agroecological products - initial version (M24)
A report describing the suite of digital and adhoc support services that CANALLS will deliver for enhancing demand for agroecological products, as defined under activities under Task 2.4.
D2.5 Methodology for co-creating optimal agroecological practice combinations - final version (M36)
A report presenting the final version of the CANALLS methodology for co-creating optimal combinations of agroecological practices, that has been developed under Task 2.1 activities and updated based on experiences gained through its implementation in ALLs (WP3).
D2.6 Holistic agroecology assessment framework - final version (M36)
A report presenting the final version of the CANALLS holistic agroecology assessment framework that will be developed under Task 2.2 activities and finetuned for this final version based on its practical implementation under WP4 activities.
D2.7 CANALLS Decision Support Tools - final version (M36)
The final version of CANALLS Decision Support Tools (DSTs) for advisors, developed under Task 2.3 and finetuned through ALLs activities feedback.
D2.8 Services for enhancing demand for agroecological products - final version (M36)
A report describing the final version of digital and adhoc support services that CANALLS will deliver for enhancing demand for agroecological products, as defined under activities under Task 2.4 and improved through feedback from WP5 activities.
D3.1 Agroecology Living Labs: plan and achievements - initial version (M12)
A report setting the baseline for the operation and monitoring of ALLs of the project. It will include: (i) local teams and responsibilities; (ii) protocols, procedures, guidelines etc. for set up, operation and multi- actor engagement at the ALLs; (iii) KPIs to monitor and evaluate, (iv) guidelines and templates for data collecting and reporting. It will also include the results of the activities of establishment, population and mapping of ALLs under Task 3.2 activities.
D3.2 Agroecology Living Labs: plan and achievements - interim version (M30)
The second version of D3.1, presenting the results of the co-creation activities under Task 3.3 and the results and achievements of the first round of activities for building capacity, testing and identifying optimal agroecological practices under Task 3.4.
D3.3 Agroecology Living Labs: plan and achievements -final version (M42)
The final version of D3.1, presenting all activities and achievements of building capacity, identifying and testing optimal agroecological practices through the CANALLS AALs.
D3.4 Report on knowledge sharing and mutual learning (M42)
A report presenting the results of mutual learning events and missions that will take place in ALLs of the project, under Task 3.5.
D4.1 Environmental performance of agroecological practices - initial version (M30)
A report presenting the initial results of assessment of environmental and ecological effects of the agroecological practices and strategies implemented in the ALLs under Task 4.1.
D4.2 Economic and business viability of agroecological practices - initial version (M30)
A report presenting the initial results of the economic performance assessment activities of the agroecological practices and strategies implemented in the ALLs under Task 4.1.
D4.3 Social changes induced by agroecological practices - initial version (M30)
A report presenting the assessment of social and behavioural changes induced by the strategies implemented in CANALLS AALs, along with the results of survey and interviews conducted under Task 4.3.
D4.4 Adoption potential of agroecological practices - initial version (M30)
A report presenting the analysis of adoption potential and scale up of agroecological practices, based on field visits, interviews and workshops, conducted under Task 4.3.
D4.5 Environmental performance of agroecological practices - final version (M42)
A report presenting the final results of assessment of environmental and ecological effects of the agroecological practices and strategies implemented in the ALLs under Task 4.1.
D4.6 Economic and business viability of agroecological practices - final version (M42)
A report presenting the final results of the economic performance assessment activities of the agroecological practices and strategies implemented in the ALLs under Task 4.1.
D4.7 Social changes induced by agroecological practices - final version (M42)
A report presenting the final results of assessment of social and behavioural changes induced by the strategies implemented in CANALLS AALs, along with the results of survey and interviews conducted under Task 4.3.
D4.8 Adoption potential of agroecological practices - final version (M42)
A report presenting the final analysis of adoption potential and scale up of agroecological practices, based on field visits, interviews and workshops, conducted under Task 4.3.
D5.1 Consumer segments for agroecological food products (M12)
A report presenting the results of the market segmentation analysis to be conducted under Task 5.1 activities.
D5.2 Fair, inclusive and sustainable business models-initial version (M30)
A report presenting the initial version of inclusive sustainable business models for agroecological transitions that will be formulated through Task 5.3, including also the value proposition co-shaping activities reporting and results, emerging from Task 5.2 activities.
D5.3 Report on enhancing demand and facilitating market access - initial version (M30)
The initial version of a document reporting the hands-on support activities and services to enhance demand for agroecological food products and enhance access to local, regional and international markets.
D5.4 Fair, inclusive and sustainable business models - final version (M30)
A report presenting the final version of inclusive sustainable business models for agroecological transitions formulated under Task 5.3, after being fine-tuned and refined in a real-life context through ALLs activities under WP3.
D5.5 Report on enhancing demand and facilitating market access - final version (M30)
The final version of the report presenting the hands-on support activities and services to enhance demand for agroecological food products and enhance access to local, regional and international markets.
D6.1 Practice abstracts- Batch 1 (M18)
This deliverable consists of 10 practice abstracts in the EIP-AGRI format for good agroecological practices implementation, developed under Task 6.3
D6.2 Report on capacity building activities for advisory and extension services- initial version (M30)
This report presents the innovation capacity building activities for advisors that will have taken place until M30 under Task 6.1 as well as the activities related to the scaling up of the use of DSTs across advisory and extension services, under Task 6.2.
D6.3 Practical replication guide (M48)
A report offering guidelines for steering multi- actor ALLs towards agroecological transition pathways tailored for different farming systems in the humid tropics, as developed and validated through Task 6.3 activities.
D6.4 Policy recommendations and policy briefs for agroecological transitions (M48)
A report compiling policy recommendations and policy briefs for policy makers, formulated under Task 6.4 activities.
D6.5 Practice abstracts- Batch 2 (M48)
This deliverable consists of 20 practice abstracts in the EIP-AGRI format for good agroecological practices implementation, developed under Task 6.3
D6.6 Report on capacity building activities for advisory and extension services - final version (M48)
This is the final report presenting all the innovation capacity building activities for advisors foreseen under Task 6.1 and the scale up activities for the use of CANALLS DSTs under Task 6.2.
D7.1 Dissemination and Communication Plan and activities report - initial version (M3)
A report elaborating on the strategy, plan, and actions to be undertaken under T1.1 with respect to dissemination and communication activities of the project. The report will also include specific qualitative and quantitative targets to be met by the respective activities of the project throughout its course.
D7.2 Exploitation and Sustainability Plan - initial version (M6)
A report defining the strategy and methodology of CANALLS with respect to innovation and IPR management. The report will also outline plans and provisions for paving the way towards the smooth post-project exploitation and sustainability of the project’s assets.
D7.3 CANALLS web portal (M7)
The CANALLS web portal that will be established in the first months of the project.
D7.4 Central and Eastern Africa Network of ALLs - (CANoLL) (M24)
A report presenting the activities of establishment and operation of the Central and Eastern Africa Network of Agroecology Living Labs, under Task 7.4.
D7.5 Dissemination and Communication Plan and activities report - final version (M48)
The final updated of D7.1 presenting all the dissemination and communication activities of the project under Task 7.1 as well as their performance compared to the specified targets and KPIs.
D7.7 Clustering activities report (M48)
A report describing the activities and results of synergies and joint actions with other projects and initiatives under Task 7.3.
D8.1 Management and Quality Plan (M3)
A report produced in T8.1 outlining CANALLS’s management structure, the roles and responsibilities of partners as well as the procedures for progress monitoring, quality assurance and project management. The report will also include a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) along with a schedule per task, related deliverables, and dependencies on other tasks as well as any responsible partner related subtasks.
D8.2 Data Management Plan- initial version (M3)
A report produced under T8.3. The report will outline the data to be collected / generated during the project as well as the data management methodology and plan to be followed across their life cycle in order to ensure their sound and FAIR management in line with applicable legislation at national and EU level.
D8.3 Data Management Plan- second version (M24)
The updated version of the Data Management Plan. This version will build upon and update D8.2 to reflect any newly identified data that were collected / generated during the project as well as any changes in data previously identified and/or the methodology and plans of CANALLS for sound and FAIR data management.
D8.4 Data Management Plan- final version (M48)
The updated and final version of the Data Management Plan. This final version will build upon and update D8.3 to reflect any newly identified data that were collected / generated during the project as well as any changes in data previously identified and/or the methodology and plans of CANALLS for sound and FAIR data management.