


The Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI) organized the eighth edition of the Excellence Week for Scientific Research and Innovation in Cameroon (JERSIC) in Yaounde from October 17 to 19, 2023 at the Yaoundé City Hall.

The theme of this edition is “Scientific Research and Innovation as a Major ‘Made in Cameroon’ and Import Substitution Policy Catalyst”. The overall goal of this JERSIC edition was to consolidate the position of Cameroon’s scientific research in the national debate, notably by showcasing research organisations, researchers, innovators and the results of their activities for the benefit of innovation, so as to enhance its visibility. On a general level, JERSIC is an opportunity to showcase the latest innovations in Cameroonian research to the public and to position them as fully-fledged vectors for accelerating inclusive economic growth. It also offers a framework for reflection, exchange, sharing and discussion among stakeholders of the National Research and Innovation System on a research issue driven by the desire to meet the social demand while improving the quality of the people’s living conditions. Based on MINRESI's prerogatives to lead, coordinate and control scientific research activities in Cameroon, this edition aims to create a conducive environment to develop and construct a knowledge economy, through the creation of a discussion platform to encourage greater participation by potential innovation players in research and development processes. Given its strategic importance, scientific research is seen as the driving force behind structural transformation and sustainable socio-economic development. To this end, results obtained from work of players of the National Research and  Innovation System, projects as well as the resulting innovations, were exploited to have a positive impact on economic development.

The official opening ceremony of the Cameroon Scientific Research and Innovation Days (JERSIC) took place on October 17, 2023 under the chairmanship of the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, Dr. Madeleine TCHUINTE. MINRESI was surrounded by other members of the government, namely the Minister for the Promotion of Women and the Family, Prof. Marie-Thérèse ABENA ONDOUA, the representative of the Prime Minister and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense. In addition to these members of the government and assimilated, the Ambassador of France to Cameroon, the representative of the Mayor of the City of Yaoundé, and several other dignitaries were present.

The 3-day event was entrenched by a blend of keynote presentations, round tables conferences and presentations of states where the various institutions under MINRESI showcase their activities. Within the IRAD stand were leaflets explaining the CANALLS projects to those who visited the stand.

More than 5000 visitors came to the IRAD stand during these three days. Research projects and products exhibited in the stand ranged from crop production (wheat, maize, rice, sorghum, soybeans, beans, groundnuts, sweet potatoes, yams, potatoes, cuttings and cassava tubers, cocoa pods and cocoa plants, cocoa seeds and seedlings, cashew and gum Arabic, Artemisia plants, banana and plantain plants, of fruit and citrus trees, etc.), and several varieties of improved seeds and animal breeds and animal products. It was the first time talking about CANALLS to the public but many living lab members met and they were informed about the project and the upcoming stakeholders meeting that was being planned.





Agroecology Living Labs (ALLs)

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Agroecology Living Labs (ALLs)

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