Rikolto is an international NGO that works worldwide (Africa, Europe, Latina America, Southeast Asia) for a sustainable income for farmers and nutritious, affordable food for all. Across our three Rikolto programmes, Good Food for Cities, Rice, and Cocoa & Coffee, we work on three domains of change: Sustainable production; Inclusive markets and Enabling environment. For more than 40 years, we have been partnering with farmer organizations, private companies, authorities and other actors across rural and urban areas in East Africa (DRC, Tanzania, Uganda & Rwanda) to achieve food system change. In DRCongo, Rikolto has been present since 2005 in the Eastern provinces of Tanganyika, South-Kivu, North-Kivu, Ituri and Tshopo, before scaling-up to Western DRCongo. We encourage development in our three main programmes: Rice (South Kivu, North Kivu, Tanganyika and Tshopo), Cocoa & Coffee (South Kivu, Ituri and Tshopo), Good Food for Cities (North Kivu and South Kivu). Our 52 colleagues deliver support to more than 50.000 organized farmers who envision to impact at least 2 million urban consumers.